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Welcome to Topaz Class page 2023-2024! 

Your class teacher will be Miss Thompson.

Staff supporting in Year 2 this year will be:- Mrs Niculcea, Miss Coker, Mrs Homer, Ms Shaw and Mrs Poole.

The support staff will be supporting both of the Year 2 classes.

Our PE will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Your child will need to come to school on those days in their PE kit (Red t-shirt, black shorts/black jogging bottoms, black trainers). This can also include their red school jumpers/cardigans as required. 

We encourage our children to be insatiable readers and read a little bit every day. Please comment and initial when you have heard your child read, in the new Learning Log. You will also find your child's log in details for TTRS (Times Table Rock Stars) and Accelerated Reader on the last page of the Learning Log.

Homework and spellings are handed out on a Friday and are due in the following Wednesday. These activities will be Maths or English based and will reinforce some of the key learning of the week.

In Cycle 1, People of the World, the children will be learning about the lives of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. They will be finding out why they are significant people and how they have made a lasting contribution to nursing. Please see the attached Learning Journey below.

In Science, we will be learning about Materials, investigating properties and uses of different materials. The children should be familiar with naming common materials, such as glass, wood, metal, plastic, fabric, brick and rock.

If you have any questions, please ask.

Miss Thompson


Dates to look out for:

13/09/24 Individual and sibling photographs