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Safeguarding email address:

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is a police and education early information safeguarding partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse.

Operation Encompass Website


Online Safety 

It's never easy to know how to keep our children safe when they aren't with us, and sometimes even when are, if we don't know what's happening in their lives or on their devices! Who are they talking to, what are they doing, are they okay? 

Don't despair though...scroll through this page for help or click a button to go straight to a particular topics. 

Parent Safe

Parent Zone and NCSC

Summertime screen time

The Prevent Duty 

The Prevent Duty requires schools to try to prevent people from being drawn into extremism and terrorism.

The Prevent Duty

Safety Squad (Children’s Safeguarding Team)