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Welcome to the Quartz Class Page 2024-2025

Quartz's class teacher is Miss Ward. 

Staff supporting in Year 1 this year are: Miss Lynch, Miss Coleman, Miss Coker, Miss Canon and Mr Kemp. All support staff work across both Year 1 classes. 

We have PE twice a week, on Tuesday and Wednesday. You will need to come into school in PE kits on these days. Our PE kits are black shorts/joggers, red t-shirt, your school jumper/cardigan and black trainers. 

We will also have a library session on Friday, so please bring your library book back on these days.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the team.


Learning Log

This year, the children will have a Learning Log folder. The folder will have their reading book, RWI practice book and a learning log form. Please ensure the folder is brought in every day as it forms a core part of their learning in school. On the back of your child's Learning Log, you will be able to find their Numbots login details along with their school email address and login.


In your child's Learning Log folder, there will be a RWI Practice booklet and a RWI reading book, if they are at the appropriate stage. Please read with your child daily, and use the RWI Practice booklet to help your child practice their Phonics at home. Please comment and initial the Learning Log once your child has read to you.