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Welcome to Year Three!


Jade Class is taught by Mrs Mihalache. Mrs Bunce will also be teaching the class on a Wednesday afternoon. PE days for us will be Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure that your child arrives at school in a PE kit on both days. We are fortunate to have Luton Town coming to school to assist with our PE lessons this year.

We will have some expectations of the children throughout the year; these include:
Reading – Children are given reading logs to take home, which should be signed five times a week when they have read for 15 minutes per day. These will be collected on the same day every week, which will be a Monday. If your child doesn’t have five reads signed by an adult at home, this may result in them missing break time and staying in to read.

Homework – This will be new for your children, as our homework is done on Atom Learning, a website that you can access at home. Logins will be found on the back of the reading logs and will be set once a week. One week will focus on maths, and the next week will focus on English.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. Thank you for your continuous support and looking forward to a great year together. 

Mrs Mihalache & Mr Wisbey