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Welcome to Year 6 Aquamarine page!

Aquamarine class is taught by Mr Holloway and supported by Mrs Hawthorne and Mrs Shaw

PE days are Monday and Friday - please come into school dressed in your school PE kit. On Fridays, we will be doing Outdoor and Adventure Activities and on Mondays we will be doing Rounders.

Reading: 5 times a week is the minimum school requirement. This needs to be recorded in your Reading Record and signed by a parent or carer ready to be collected on a Monday morning every week.

Homework: Homework is set on a Friday and handed in the following Friday. In Year 6, the expectation is that you complete 1 x Maths and 1 x English pieces every week, as well as 1 x Science every two weeks. This is all set on our online homework platform, Atom Learning. 

SATs week will begin on Monday 13th May and finish on Thursday 16th May.

Trips: We have some trips planned for later this academic year.

Thorpe Park - Wednesday 22nd May 

Brunel University Trip - Wednesday 6th June

W/C 10th June - PGL Trip

These trips have all been loaded onto ParentPay to allow you to pay in instalments. Travel charges will not apply to any PPG students.

We are now into Cycle 4 of our learning - Creating a Better World.

For our learning, we will be using the Louis Sachar book 'Holes'. This will be accompanied by interesting topics such as Crime and Punishment (History), local area land use (Geography) and evolution (Science). 

Below are some pictures of our learning from Cycle 3 - The World has Changed

Demonstrating our learning about the Circulation System