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Welcome to Amber Class!

In Amber Class, Mrs Choudhury is the class teacher and will be supported by Mrs Bennett, Miss Litchfield and Mr Kemp. We are thrilled to meet the children and support them on their learning journey at Tithe Farm. 

This year we will have PE on Thursdays, so please bring children dressed to school in their PE kits. Their PE kit should include black shorts/jogging bottoms, a red t-shirt and black trainers (no laces). Please have all these items named so they can be easily identified when necessary.

The children will be attending Forest school sessions every Thursday afternoon. This will give them the opportunity to build on their physical strength, coordination, fine and gross motor skills while exploring the natural environment. There will be many exciting activities that they will be carrying out, such as den building or producing art using natural materials and many more exciting activities. The children may become messy while exploring, so they will need to be dressed appropriately and will need to wear wellington boots (kept in school), a long raincoat or puddle suit, long trousers and a long-sleeved jumper/ top.

We encourage all children to have spare clothes that are named in school as they will be exploring and learning through messy play and will be provided opportunities to learn in all weathers.

Autumn 1 Topic: Me and My World.

Throughout the year we will be learning about lots of exciting topics. For Autumn 1 our topic is “Me and My World!" They will be developing skills and new knowledge linked to:

  • Recognising emotions and how we can change how we and others feel. 
  • Talking about our family and what makes them unique.
  • The different countries we come from.
  • Identifying the likes and dislikes of our own and our peers.  

Please share any photos of special routines, practises and customs you may have in your home.  

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us at the beginning/end of the day or email the school office. 

Please check this website page for updates on the classes learning and key information.