Police and Crime Commissioner Visit
Bedfordshire's Police and Crime Commissioner visits Tithe Farm.
Bedfordshire's Police and Crime Commissioner visits Tithe Farm.
This week the children have been introduced to our new emotional well-being programme - Making Me. Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 both had assemblies on Monday and today Key Stage 2 had follow-up workshops. These workshops were about building resilience in learning.
Year 6 will be starting selling lollies this term to raise funds for their end of year production. Lollies will be replacing toast as the weather is now getting warmer.
Lollies will need to be ordered in advance each Wednesday and delivered to children on a Friday. If your child would like a lolly please send them with the correct money on a Wednesday morning and ask them to hand it to their class teacher who will complete an order form. Lollies must be pre ordered.
1. Flavoured cone = £1 (strawberry, toffee or mint)
2. Rocket Lolly = 50p
3. Strawberry Split = 50p
4. Fruit Lolly = 50p (strawberry, orange or lemon)
Please see the letter on the letter page regarding the closure of Tithe Farm Road week commencing 23.01.23
During the road closure times, you will be unable to access the parts of Tithe Farm Road which are closed by car. Please ensure that you leave plenty of time for drop off and collection to and from school -parking in the surrounding areas will be busy.
When parking in residential streets, please park courteously - do not block residents driveways or abandon your car in dangerous places.
PE Days for this year are as follows:-
Monday - Ruby, Opal, Topaz, Onyx, Amethyst, Garnet
Tuesday - Pearl, Quartz, Sapphire, Jade, Turquoise
Wednesday - Pearl, Quartz, Aquamarine, Sapphire, Emerald
Thursday - Opal, Topaz, Garnet, Amethyst
Friday - Amber, Emerald, Turquoise, Jade, Aquamarine, Onyx
Children can come to school on those days in their PE kits.
Welcome back to the new academic year!
School will open for our children in years 1-6 on Monday. Children starting with us in Reception will be notified of their start dates during their home visits.
The gates are going to be open every morning between 8:35-8:45. Children who arrive after that time will need to come through the main office and be signed in.
The school day finishes for everyone at 3:30. Gates will open at 3:25 for access.
We will no longer be having a one way system around the school.
Your children's class teacher will let you know the days that your children will be doing PE and as last year children may come to school on their PE days in the PE kit.
Drop off and pick up for the classes will be at the following doors.
Amber - First door on the Key Stage 1 playground.
Ruby - Second door on the Key Stage 1 playground
Quartz - Third door on the Key Stage 1 playground
Pearl - Fourth door on the Key Stage 1 playground
Topaz - Right hand door by the rear car park
Opal - Left hand door by the rear car park
Garnet - Red door into the main hall on Key Stage 2 playground
Jade - Red door into the main hall on Key Stage 2 playground
Turquoise - Right hand door on the Key Stage 2 playground
Emerald - Left hand door on the Key Stage 2 playground
Sapphire - Left hand door on the Key Stage 2 playground
Amethyst - Left hand door on the Key Stage 2 playground
Aquamarine - Right hand door on the Key Stage 2 playground
Onyx - Right hand door on the Key Stage 2 playground
Don't worry if that all sounds a bit confusing staff will be on hand to help for the first few days.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday!