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School Times & Attendance

If your child is absent or late for any reason either:

* phone: 01582 865047

* email:

From the term after your child's 5th birthday full-time attendance at school is compulsory by law.

Parents are requested to inform the school on the first day of any absence.  

If your child is absent because of illness, or dental or other medical treatment a copy of the appointment card or letter will be requested. Where possible we would ask that routine doctors, dental or optician appointment are made for outside of school hours or in the holidays.  

Children must not be absent from school for social events or shopping.

Frequent lateness or absence from school without good reason will result in a referral to the County Education Welfare Offices and will be recorded in the School and National Records as unauthorised absence.  Fixed penalty notices may be served by the Education Welfare Officer.

  • School gates are open: 8:35am - 8:45am  (Children who arrive after 8:45 will be recorded as late)
  • The school day ends at 3:30pm.

The school day = 6 hours 45 minutes.

Total time in school during the week = 33 hours 45 minutes

Please ensure that your child is punctual for school, arriving late can disrupt your child's education and well-being.