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Jigsaw PSHE and RSE

At Tithe Farm Primary School we have chosen to deliver PSHE through the Jigsaw PSHE programme of study.

We believe that it gives our children age appropriate opportunities to build on skills and knowledge that allow them to become inclusive citizens. They understand how to be impeccably behaved by learning and practicing how to make good choices and also how to make healthy life choices. The practice of 'Calm Me' time during lessons allows our children to focus and be mindful, developing how to become more emotionally intelligent and reflective in their environment therefore encouraging positive mental health.

We promote mindfulness, growth mindset and healthy lifestyles across our curriculum and within our school ethos. We believe that the Jigsaw PSHE programme of study compliments the curriculum that we want to deliver to our children and enables them to practice and learn through the activities and discussion.

We teach Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) through the PSHE lessons and parents are invited to review the content before it is delivered to the relevant year groups.

Please see the link below where you can read the PSHE and RSE policy in more detail: