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Welcome to Year 3 and Lower Key Stage Two! 

Garnet class are looking forward to a fun-packed half-term which encompasses engaging, creative learning along with a much awaited Stone Age to Iron Age workshop. More information coming soon...

This cycle, our overarching topic is 'How the world has changed'. In our Topic unit, we will be focusing on 'Stone Age to Iron Age', focusing on the core texts 'Stone Age Boy' by Satoshi Kitamura and 'The Secrets of Stonehenge' by Mick Manning. 

Our PE days this half term are Wednesday's and Thursday's, so children are able to come into school on those days in their school PE kit. Our two sports in cycle 3 are Cricket and Orienteering (Outdoor Adventurous Activities).

Our home spelling tests will take place fortnightly on Wednesday's. The next spelling test will be on Wednesday 31st January 2024. The children will receive their spellings homework the Friday after the completed test. The Maths and English homework will continue to be set up on Atom Learning platform. There is also a Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS) task to be completed. The homework will be given on a Monday and is expected to be completed by the following Monday. Please ensure you child is logging into his/her account and completes their task weekly. If you need support with logging into your child's account, please come and find me. All usernames and passwords are in your child's reading log.

We encourage children to read daily in school as well as at home. Please continue to support and encourage your child to read and once he/she has read with an adult we would like a parent/carer to sign the record. Every child should read 4 times a week with an adult.

Please ensure that your child comes to school every day with the following items:

A water bottle

Reading Book

Reading Record

A suitable coat (weather appropriate).

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. Thank you for your continuous  support and looking forward to a great half term together. 

Mr Hill (Garnet Class Teacher).