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Welcome to Amber Class!

In Amber, Miss Ward is the class teacher and will be supported by Mrs Cannon, Miss Grant, Mrs Comb and Mrs Homer. We are excited to meet the children and start them on their learning journey at Tithe Farm. 

This year we will have PE a Friday so please bring children dressed to school in their PE kits. Their PE kit should include black shorts/jogging bottoms, red t-shirt and black trainers. We also encourage you to send your child in with spare clothes, throughout the year, as we will be exploring water and other sensory resources.

Throughout the year we will be exploring the outside environment as this is an amazing area to learn in. We will be going outside in all weathers so please ensure that children are equipped with wellies and a suitable coat. Children are able to keep their wellies in school. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to see us at the beginning/end of the day or email the office. 

Please check this website page for updates on the classes learning and key information. 

Autumn 1 Topic: Me and My World.

Throughout the year we will be learning about lots of exciting topics. For Autumn 1 our topic was “Me and My World!" We developed skills and new knowledge linked to:

  • The different parts of our body and how we keep healthy both physically and mentally. 
  • Recognising our feelings and how we can change how we feel. 
  • Talking about our family and what makes them unique.
  • The different countries we come from.
  • Identifying what we like and want in a friend.  
  • Topic: Me and My World.
    Please see our curriculum overview for our first topic. This is a helpful resource to see what skills and knowledge your child will be learning, how you can support them at home and special events coming up.


New Topic: How does your Garden Grow? 

This half-term our topic is 'How does your Garden Grow?' To start the topic we will be reading the traditional tale Jack and the Beanstalk and starting to grow our own plants. We will be investigating the life cycles of plants and animals in our immediate environment. Children will be developing their sense of responsibility and understanding of how to look after their own garden plants.